
pyelasticsearch is a clean, future-proof, high-scale API to elasticsearch. It provides features like...

  • Transparent conversion of Python data types to and from JSON
  • Connection pooling
  • Load balancing of requests across nodes in a cluster
  • Failed-node marking to avoid downed nodes for a period
  • Optional automatic retrying of failed requests

A Taste of the API

Make a pooling, balancing, all-singing, all-dancing connection object:

>>> es = ElasticSearch('http://localhost:9200/')

Index some documents:

>>> es.index("contacts", "person", {"name":"Joe Tester", "age": 25, "title": "QA Master"}, id=1)
{u'_type': u'person', u'_id': u'1', u'ok': True, u'_version': 1, u'_index': u'contacts'}
>>> es.index("contacts", "person", {"name":"Jessica Coder", "age": 32, "title": "Programmer"}, id=2)
{u'_type': u'person', u'_id': u'2', u'ok': True, u'_version': 1, u'_index': u'contacts'}
>>> es.index("contacts", "person", {"name":"Freddy Tester", "age": 29, "title": "Office Assistant"}, id=3)
{u'_type': u'person', u'_id': u'3', u'ok': True, u'_version': 1, u'_index': u'contacts'}

Refresh the index to pick up the latest:

>>> es.refresh('contacts')
{u'ok': True, u'_shards': {u'successful': 5, u'failed': 0, u'total': 10}}

Get just Jessica’s document:

>>> es.get('contacts', 'person', 2)
{u'_id': u'2',
 u'_index': u'contacts',
 u'_source': {u'age': 32, u'name': u'Jessica Coder', u'title': u'Programmer'},
 u'_type': u'person',
 u'_version': 1,
 u'exists': True}

Perform a simple search:

>>>'name:joe OR name:freddy', index='contacts')
{u'_shards': {u'failed': 0, u'successful': 42, u'total': 42},
 u'hits': {u'hits': [{u'_id': u'1',
                      u'_index': u'contacts',
                      u'_score': 0.028130024999999999,
                      u'_source': {u'age': 25,
                                   u'name': u'Joe Tester',
                                   u'title': u'QA Master'},
                      u'_type': u'person'},
                     {u'_id': u'3',
                      u'_index': u'contacts',
                      u'_score': 0.028130024999999999,
                      u'_source': {u'age': 29,
                                   u'name': u'Freddy Tester',
                                   u'title': u'Office Assistant'},
                      u'_type': u'person'}],
           u'max_score': 0.028130024999999999,
           u'total': 2},
 u'timed_out': False,
 u'took': 4}

Perform a search using the elasticsearch query DSL:

>>> query = {'query': {
...             'filtered': {
...                 'query': {
...                     'query_string': {'query': 'name:tester'}
...                 },
...                 'filter': {
...                     'range': {
...                         'age': {
...                             'from': 27,
...                             'to': 37,
...                         },
...                     },
...                 },
...             },
...         },
...     }
>>>, index='contacts')
{u'_shards': {u'failed': 0, u'successful': 42, u'total': 42},
 u'hits': {u'hits': [{u'_id': u'3',
                      u'_index': u'contacts',
                      u'_score': 0.19178301,
                      u'_source': {u'age': 29,
                                   u'name': u'Freddy Tester',
                                   u'title': u'Office Assistant'},
                      u'_type': u'person'}],
           u'max_score': 0.19178301,
           u'total': 1},
 u'timed_out': False,
 u'took': 2}

Delete the index:

>>> es.delete_index('contacts')
{u'acknowledged': True, u'ok': True}

Indices and tables

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