
JSON Conversion

pyelasticsearch converts transparently between Python datastructures and JSON. In request bodies, all the standard conversions are made: strings, numeric types, nulls, etc. In addition, we convert datetime and date instances to the format ES understands: 2012-02-23T14:26:01. date objects are taken to represent midnight on their day.

A future release will convert more types, like datetimes, to Python in responses.

Connection Pooling

Connection pooling saves setting up a whole new TCP connection for each ES request, dropping latency by an order of magnitude. The ElasticSearch object is thread-safe; to take best advantage of connection pooling, create one instance, and share it among all threads. At most, the object will hold a number of connections to each node equal to the number of threads.

Load-balancing and Failover

An ElasticSearch object can take a list of node URLs on construction. This lets us balance load and maintain availability when nodes go down: pyelasticsearch will randomly choose a server URL for each request. If a node fails to respond before a timeout period elapses, it is assumed down and not tried again for awhile. Meanwhile, pyelasticsearch will retry the request on a different node if max_retries was set to something greater than zero at construction. If all nodes are marked as down, pyelasticsearch will loosen its standards and try sending requests to them, marking them alive if they respond.

Forward-Compatibility Kwargs

All methods that correspond to ES calls take an arbitrary set of kwargs that can be used to pass query string parameters directly to ES. Certain kwargs (called out by the @es_kwargs decorator) are explicitly recognized as being claimed by ES and will never be trod upon by future versions of pyelasticsearch. To avoid conflicts, kwargs not yet so recognized should have “es_” prepended by the caller. pyelasticsearch will strip off the “es_” and pass the rest along to ES unscathed. Ideally, we’ll then add explicit recognition of those args in a future release.

These “pass-through” kwargs are converted to text as follows:

True: “true” False: “false”
Passed unmolested
Ints, longs, and floats
Converted to strings via str()
Lists and tuples
Joined with commas, e.g. ['one-index', two-index'] becomes one-index,two-index
Datetimes and dates
Datetimes are converted to ISO strings, like 2001-12-25T13:04:56, dates convert to midnight: 2001-12-25T00:00:00.

Anything else raises a TypeError.

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