================= API Documentation ================= A Word About Forward-Compatibility Kwargs ========================================= In the following documentation, the phrase *"other kwargs listed below"* refers to the kwargs documented in a subsequent *Parameters* section. However, it also implicitly includes any kwargs the caller might care to make up and have passed to ES as query string parameters. These kwargs must start with ``es_`` for forward compatibility and will be unprefixed and converted to strings as discussed in :doc:`features`. ElasticSearch API ================= .. py:module:: pyelasticsearch Unless otherwise indicated, methods return the JSON-decoded response sent by elasticsearch. This way, you don't lose any part of the return value, no matter how esoteric. But fear not: if there was an error, an exception will be raised, so it'll be hard to miss. .. autoclass:: ElasticSearch .. automethod:: index(index, doc_type, doc, id=None, force_insert=False[, other kwargs listed below]) .. automethod:: bulk_index(index, doc_type, docs, id_field='id'[, other kwargs listed below]) .. automethod:: delete(index, doc_type, id[, other kwargs listed below]) .. automethod:: delete_all(index, doc_type[, other kwargs listed below]) .. automethod:: delete_by_query(index, doc_type, query[, other kwargs listed below]) .. automethod:: get(index, doc_type, id[, other kwargs listed below]) .. automethod:: search(query[, other kwargs listed below]) .. automethod:: update(index, doc_type, id, script[, other kwargs listed below]) .. automethod:: count(query, index, doc_type[, other kwargs listed below]) .. automethod:: get_mapping(index=None, doc_type=None) .. automethod:: put_mapping(index, doc_type, mapping[, other kwargs listed below]) .. automethod:: more_like_this(index, doc_type, id, fields, body=''[, other kwargs listed below]) .. automethod:: status(index=None[, other kwargs listed below]) .. automethod:: create_index(index, settings=None) .. automethod:: delete_index(index) .. automethod:: delete_all_indexes() .. automethod:: close_index(index) .. automethod:: open_index(index) .. automethod:: update_settings(index, settings) .. automethod:: update_all_settings(settings) .. automethod:: flush(index=None[, other kwargs listed below]) .. automethod:: refresh(index=None) .. automethod:: gateway_snapshot(index=None) .. automethod:: optimize(index=None[, other kwargs listed below]) .. automethod:: health(index=None[, other kwargs listed below]) .. automethod:: send_request Error Handling ============== Any method representing an ES API call can raise one of the following exceptions: .. automodule:: pyelasticsearch.exceptions :members: .. exception:: ConnectionError Exception raised there is a connection error and we are out of retries. (See the ``max_retries`` argument to :class:`ElasticSearch`.) .. exception:: Timeout Exception raised when an HTTP request times out and we are out of retries. (See the ``max_retries`` argument to :class:`ElasticSearch`.)